December 7, 2011

Wool sweaters from Dads

DISCLAIMER: this is about finals. If you are currently stressed with finals like myself then I suggest you read this when finals are over. 

Over thanksgiving break I decided I needed to somehow obtain a wonderful Christmas sweater for a Christmas card.  I decided I would go look at the local Deseret Industries.  Before that thought broke the surface I had a feeling I should go check my Fathers closet. (my dad has tons of sweaters from my grandma. He had gotten one-a-year for I don't know how long.)  I sneakily sneaked into my dads closet while he wasn't home because I was a little embarrassed. Not remembering exactly how they looked I thought it may have been a bad idea.  I opened the closet door and just as always behind the suits, the white dress shirts, and behind the work shirts there were the trusty sweaters. The type that only come out one week of the whole year. (I think this is why I love my dad's sweaters so much, you know it is a special occasion when you see one.)  Back to the story now the moment I saw this particular sweater I was immediately drawn to it. "WINNER" I thought as I touched it some more. I then proceeded to go back to my normal activities like I had never been in the closet and like I never wanted that sweater so much. 

When the timing was right I told my dad I needed a sweater for a Christmas card and asked if I could borrow one of his. The nice dad that he is, he quickly agreed.  I rushed to "pick it out" even though it was already picked out many hours previous. It was when I put it on that I decided I surely needed it. 

"I need this dad!"  "can I have it?" then I realized that was a lot to ask, as this sweater means a lot to him. So I went for a different approach. "can I please borrow this dad, I mean just for a couple of weeks." (insert puppy dog eyes and the word "daddy" here.)  He was speechless I think he was so confused that I had asked to borrow it, since it is clearly four sizes to big.  Since he didn't say anything I just kept talking. "Just think dad, it will get me through finals week." and my favorite "every time I wear it I will think of you!"  and guess what! He said yes....under two conditions. The first one is that I don't stretch it out. (I will try not to dad!) and the second is that I don't lose it. (how dare he think I have a problem with losing things!) trust me dad, this sweater is in good hands.

It is now the last week of classes and Finals are fast approaching. I am so glad I have this itchy wool sweater. It puts me in the best mood and I really do think about him!  It reminds me that once finals are over I get to go home and see my family. It reminds me that Christmas is fast approaching. And it also reminds me when I am not studying hard enough. (if I feel the itchiness then I am clearly not paying enough attention to studying, right?)  

I am about to go study for five hours, so I definitely need this trusty sweater which, thanks to my dad I feel like I might be able to get through my first ever Finals week. Wish me luck? please. 

here it is
love this guy! especially when he plays the Wii                                    
It's a great sweater right?

Well i'm off to be studious. 
always a pleasure!


  1. Don't stretch it out, Meg. We all know how fat you are.... NOT! You couldn't stretch that sweater out to save your life! Well... Unless it almost gets caught turning a corner in a WalMart aisle...

  2. I remember that sweater!!! I bet you could sell it on Amazon for some big bucks - after all, it's vintage. :)

  3. haha Mag I wish. sadly I have to return it when I go home for Christmas. wah!! ha

  4. PS Meg, I think I left my phone @ your apartment. Unless I left it at Snow, which would be TERRIBLE! I already checked there though. But... Um... Since I don't have my phone, and neither of us have fb, I can't get a hold of you except the AAP. So... Is my phone at your house?

  5. Great use of pictures, holding us in baited expectation of the great sweater that it is
